Trio of Deptford Firefighters Honored for Life-Saving Action

Photo Caption: Captain Andre Wilson and Firefighter Constantine Sypsomos with their Exceptional Duty Awards at the Deptford Fire District meeting Feb. 3. (Firefighter Brian Buck was unable to attend.)

Three Deptford firefighters received Exceptional Duty Awards at the Deptford Fire District’s meeting on Feb. 3 for their life-saving actions on a fire call last summer.

Captain Andre Wilson (Battalion 2 – Tacoma), firefighter Brian Buck (Battalion 3 – Almonesson Lake) and firefighter Constantine Sypsomos (Career Staff) were among those responding to a dwelling fire on Aug. 18, 2020. Units went into service for fire suppression in the basement.

During the incident, the family’s cat was brought unresponsive to the front of the house. Wilson, Sypsomos and Buck began to resuscitate the pet using oxygen and a “pet-mask.” After working for some time, they managed to get the cat breathing again, and turned it over to the resident, who rushed it to a local animal hospital.

These firefighters’ quick, decisive action saved the life of that beloved family cat. They perfectly exemplified the skilled service our department provides to Deptford Township, protecting its people—and their pets!